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January 2006
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June 2006
layout: beginnerbrand
blogged by: kimikimkimster
powered by: CYF Love Hina? + blogger
anime by: ken akamatsu
this is a non- profit site
which aims to promote the anime Love Hina.
All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.
Jairus Jed David is a former BS Business Economics student in UP Diliman.
He's a freelance photographer, a freelance writer, solo webadmin, webdesigner and an active blogger.
He's currently working three part time jobs and having second thoughts of going to college.
He's a member of the modding community.
He's an avid gamer and he wishes to have a PS3, XBOX 360 and a Wii this year.
He revels in scrapbooking. He likes fastfood.
He sucks at Math and Physics. He's no literary writer.
He likes playing basketball but usually ends up with a few broken bones.
He's so lame he gets nosebleed on his first step on the stairs. He's such a loser...
*negative remarks*. Overall, he's eccentric.
It's not my usual routine to announce an exam. What happened? Well, the class got a very... unsatisfying grade, except for one individual -- Keitaro Urashima. Unfortunately for Naru... Uh, how should I say this? She flunked the surprise exam.
Both of them are taking my Archaeology Subject but at different timeslots. Despite the fact that I've given the same questions, I could only imagine how she'd react with the result. It's very unusual.
It's a rather turn of events.