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January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
layout: beginnerbrand
blogged by: kimikimkimster
powered by: CYF Love Hina? + blogger
anime by: ken akamatsu
this is a non- profit site
which aims to promote the anime Love Hina.
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Jairus Jed David is a former BS Business Economics student in UP Diliman.
He's a freelance photographer, a freelance writer, solo webadmin, webdesigner and an active blogger.
He's currently working three part time jobs and having second thoughts of going to college.
He's a member of the modding community.
He's an avid gamer and he wishes to have a PS3, XBOX 360 and a Wii this year.
He revels in scrapbooking. He likes fastfood.
He sucks at Math and Physics. He's no literary writer.
He likes playing basketball but usually ends up with a few broken bones.
He's so lame he gets nosebleed on his first step on the stairs. He's such a loser...
*negative remarks*. Overall, he's eccentric.
My summer break's over as well. Damn. In a blink of an eye, it passed. And I was just starting to enjoy it. To think that the students of Toudai are the only people who have the right to complain, us professors get bummed too, you know.
Class registration has already begun. I'm one of the volunteers who will assist freshmen and upperclassmen alike. Frankly speaking, I'm not in the mood to hold a chalk yet -- nor this pen. I don't want to wake up early yet.
Lucky for me, I've got my Sarah to wake me up everymorning. When she does that, it motivates me to go to work, so there's really no problem. "Oyasumi nasai." I still have to teach them a lesson.